Zvonimir Jurelinac

A Computer Engineering student at FER Zagreb, interested in Programming, Web and Software Development, but also Mathematics and Science, and quite good at all that.

Also likes to read, write, think and talk, as well as run,
eat and cook.



A web application for internet radio station management.
Features online reproduction, program creation and management, management of available tracks, collection of feedback from listeners, gathering of statistical data.
Made as a project for Software Development course at FER.

Web, Python, Flask, TypeScript, Angular2, SASS


An IDE for FRISC assembly programming and simulation.
Features a basic text editor, inbuilt FRISC assembler and full-featured execution simulator with debugging – supports breakpoints, step-by-step execution, register and memory state monitoring... All that with a beautiful and usable UI.

Desktop, Python, Gtk+

ppjC Compiler

A standalone C-subset compiler for FRISC processors.
Compiles a subset of C programming language, including almost all basic language constructs: ifs, loops, functions, arrays, scopes etc., to FRISC assembly language, ready for execution.
Made as a project for Compiler Design course at FER.

Algorithms, Python, Assembler


A custom scripting language and it's console interpreter.
Simple, expressive and fast, with a familiar, BASH-like syntax, only further improved. Runs on a lightweight interpreter written in Haskell, and therefore is available for many platforms.
Made as a project for Programming in Haskell course at FER.

Console, Haskell


A simple web application for organizing and sharing links.
Features saving interesting links with their short descriptions, organizing them into groups, group-based sharing with other users, and some other useful things. Enables easy, browser-independent link management.

Web, Python, Flask, JavaScript, AngularJS, LESS


A web application for solving mathematical problems.
Features creation of open and closed contests, online solving of numerical problems, organization of problems into problemsets, management of test cases, scores and contestants.
Intended primarily for support of Discont Math 1 course at FER.

Web, Python, Flask


A web application for advanced note taking and organization.
Features rich note contents, including lists, images, formulas and source code using custom markup language, category- based organization, note tagging and searching...
Still in development.

Web, Python, Flask, TypeScript, Angular2


A standalone C++ math library for polynomials.
Contains a polynomial representation with implementations of all basic polynomial operations, as well as taking derivatives, finding real roots and polynomial factorizations.
Created for solving a project from Discont Math 2 course at FER.

Library, C++

About me

A third year BSc student of Computer Engineering at FER, University of Zagreb (Croatia). Interested in competitive programming, web and software development, math, science and technology. Has experience in multiple programming projects, both personal and in teams. Was awarded the dean's award for best students on the first two years of college.

Aside from that, I also like to read, mostly novels, essays, history and philosophy, and have several times unsuccessfully attempted to write something myself :). But I don't give up easily, so I'll probably try again some time soon. I like shiny and beautiful things, and often try to make some of those – when designing a web page or an app, making a presentation or any other document.

I have good presentation skills, and have had some experience in teaching and explaining things to others. I have also on several occasions been a leader of teams (from 3 to 7 people), and was probably not that bad at it.

My knowledge of English is rather good, though my accent not that much. I'm also occasionally learning German (in free time), and sometimes even Latin. I'd also like to learn Italian and Spanish, but it probably won't happen any time soon :).

I'm currently attending the Youth Leadership Academy, and volunteering at the Udruga Fokus.

A small chart of my skills and programming knowledge:

Programming languages
  • Python
  • C++
  • C
  • Haskell
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
Web development

FER, University of Zagreb

  • Computer Engineering
  • Third year BSc student
  • 180 ECTS points earned
  • Average grade A (5.0/5)
  • „Josip LonĨar” awards for
    1st and 2nd years of college
  • ACM CERC 2015 – 9th place
  • City of Zagreb scolarship
    for best students

XV. Gimnazija Zagreb

  • Average grade A (5.0/5)
  • Silver and bronze medals
    on IChO 2012 and 2013
  • Many prizes at national
    in different
  • City of Zagreb scolarship
    for best students

Born in Zagreb, Croatia



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